5 thoughts on “Day 92: I’ve Been Thinking About It A Lot Lately, And This Seems To Be The Only Logical Explanation…

      1. Ok we are officially best friends now (or you know, until I meet a FULL sloth- I’ll take what I can get you know). I have always thought that humans should have more respect for our distant relatives, and respect ‘slothing’ as a viable career option. (Not as in like hunting sloths, but more as in like being sloths) I would be so good at slothing!! I’ve been practicing for it my whole life!

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        1. Oh, agreed! Slothing is such an under appreciated art form. Like–it’s not easy to be a sloth. It’s a lot of hard work. Like, “Oh I’d like to go do my laundry but I HAVE to take a nap instead.” Or, “Yeah, I’d love to make dinner for my guests, but I HAVE to stare vacantly for a little while first.” But, of course, some of us (like you and I) are up for the challenge. I mean, could you imagine what chaos would overtake society were there not slothumans here to even the load?

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